Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Pain of Pride

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I've dropped off the grid for the past couple of weeks! Life has been a whirlwind of changes! Well that, and it also took me a week to get this post sounding just the way I wanted it.

Ok, so you all know I have a vision board (check out my 20/20 vision post for pic), and you also know that I've been believing for these goals to come to pass every time I glance at the board. Well, one of the goals on my vision board was a career change. I wasn't very specific with what that change would look like or how it would happen, but I read it daily and declared scripture over it for months...and it has paid off!!! The Lord has totally blessed me with a promotion at my current job!

With that being said, I'm going to take the rest of this post to shift my focus from my blessing, to sharing a little bit about the process of such a blessing.

Over the past several months, I have learned so much about what pride does to a person. How it effects personality, attitude, outlook, and even reception of gifts. Who knew that pride can effect the way one receives a blessing?! These thoughts and revelations on pride didn't come over night and it certainly didn't come easy. There are two specific stories I recall through my journey that had the greatest impact on me in relation to pride.

About a year ago, I began car shopping, unexpectedly. I knew I needed to get a car quickly and I was so nervous about what to get. I researched and researched, went to one dealership after another and finally, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt which car I was going to purchase. I had such peace about the whole process...until I showed my dad. Oh goodness! He was not happy! Apparently, I bought the wrong make. Oops! Honestly, it was so difficult for me to get to the place of purchasing the vehicle for that very reason. It was a car brand that you avoid like the plague, according to my dad. How could I possibly stoop to such a level?!...even if I did know it was the car for me. Now, almost a year later, I am still so happy about that car purchase. My dad has even come around...a little, although he would never admit it.

My point isn't about how much I love my car or about how my dad has finally accepted my purchase. My point is, that because of pride I almost let a blessing slip right through my fingers. I almost let pride steal a blessing. And why? Because I had an image to uphold? Because I wanted my car to signify wealth that, in all honesty, I didn't have? In the end, I decided to care less about what others think about me and the car I drive and humble myself enough to accept such a gift with love and a grateful heart.

I believe the same heart attitude applied when being invited to join the supervisory team at my current job. As I completed my Master's degree, I was dead set on finding a new job or starting my own business in life coaching. I was sure that I would NEVER become a supervisor in my current facility because it wasn't my dream job. Well, from the news at the beginning of this post, you can see that's not the plans God had in store for me. Since being offered the position, I realize that it has been, not only an obvious blessing, but also a blessing in disguise. By taking on this position, I am able to coach others! Coaching IS my passion!  Not only am I able to coach my staff, but I'm able to continue building my personal life coaching business outside of work hours AND I'm able to use this time to grow in my skills and abilities, bringing new ideas and strategies to both my staff and personal business. Did I also mention, I get to continue working with all of my lovely coworkers?!?! I couldn't have asked for a better or more supportive group of women to walk with through this transition. That, in itself, is a blessing!

Pride. Such a small word with A LOT of impact. Pride can be so destructive. It can hinder God's plans for your life if you let it. If I had continued with the attitude that I was not going to take a supervisor position or if I had stuck to my guns on the idea that my car brand was inferior to others, I would not be in the place I am today and reaping the rewards of humbling myself and being obedient.

I want to encourage all of you to let go of pride. Choose to embrace humility and see what amazing things pride has been keeping you from! Relationships, job promotions, maybe even a new car. Who knows what's in store for you down the road, but choosing to change your attitude might just lead to unknown joy and happiness!

-Hope On-

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