Thursday, May 12, 2016

20/20 Vision

I promised one of my readers that I would talk a little bit about my vision board. If we've met, I've probably already talked your ear off about it, but that's just because I'm so excited to share the idea with others! But, to really get the full picture of my joyfest, as I like to call it, I need to take you back to the beginning.

Several months ago, I began getting discouraged about life and stressed about goals that I had not yet accomplished, but had been on the mental to-do list for months, if not years. A little at a time,  I was reminded of yet another goal I had abandoned. As the days passed, the feeling of defeat grew stronger and stronger. Heart palpitations, tears, and restlessness, anxiety, and depression were just a few of the symptoms I faced when these incomplete goals surfaced to my memory bank. After several weeks of this, I knew, something had to change! In this case, my mindset AND my behaviors had to change and synchronize. I needed to begin to declare positive things over my life and situations instead of declaring the negative and believing those lies as truth.  This is where the idea of my vision board was born!

A vision board is a visual description of your goals and dreams. I'm sure that's not Webster's definition, so let me explain more fully what I mean by "visual description." Many people create vision boards using a piece of poster board or a bulletin board. I like the functionality of a bulletin board because things can be easily moved around, taken down, or added. I, however, chose the poster board for mine because it's cheap and serves its purpose. I mean, I was pretty desperate for change when I made mine, so something fancy was not a priority. Besides, I should also mention that craftiness and creativity is not, I repeat, NOT in my repertoire. A breakdown tends to occur from the beautiful elaborate ideas in my brain to the hands-on execution. NOT PRETTY. Anyway, back to the vision board.

Once I had my poster board, I used colored paper to write out my goals. Some people will write them out and others will use pictures, magazine cut-outs, and Internet print-offs to display their goals without words. In the end, it's YOUR board, so do what inspires YOU! If you need ideas for yours, I've attached a picture of mine, but you can also Google vision boards and get plenty of ideas.

Some people might stop here and go ahead and display their board, but I chose to take it a step further. I truly believe there is power in our words, so what we declare over ourselves, our goals, and our life plays a large part in how those things pan out in the future. Believing this, I wrote declarations under my goals. Mine were all based on Bible scriptures, but other people might like to add inspirational and motivational thoughts and quotes. Again, make it your own!

Once I finished this, I was ready to display it! I chose to hang it in front of my vanity, so when I go in each morning to get ready, I can physically see the goals I've set in place and I can read, out loud, those scriptures under each goal. I noticed, after just a few days, that my mindset was changing. I was beginning to have hope again! I was believing that I could reach those goals and dreams and I knew that I had my God fighting alongside me, so there was NOTHING that was holding me back!

That's exactly why the vision board was created and it has served me well! I am motivated each morning by declaring truths over my life situations instead of listening to all of the negative voices that try to creep in throughout the day. A daily renewing of the mind. It shifts my focus to the right things, the TRUE things, by correcting my mental vision back to 20/20. So I guess the only question left to ask is, what's your vision?

-Hope on-

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

No Motivation and Hangry!

Ok, guys, I'm not gonna lie. I've totally had a weekend of just wanting to eat junk and veg in front of the television. Can I get an, "Amen!"? Seriously though, I've not been motivated at all to workout or even to blog. I've just been exhausted lately. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know. Working out actually GIVES you energy and you'll feel so much better after! Well great. Thanks for that. 😑
Can I just have a pity party for a second??? Apparently not.

My friend pulled out me off the couch Saturday night and had me do an interval workout with her. I HATED every second of it! I was sweaty, hungry, and tired by the end. No, let me rephrase that...I was HANGRY by the end.

As I practically crawled through the front door and into the shower, all I could think was, "I feel worse than I did before I worked out! I'm NEVER listening to my friend again!" Ok, maybe my thoughts weren't that severe, but I definitely didn't enjoy the workout...until about 30 minutes after the workout was over. I felt so good about myself! Yes, I may have eaten junk that day...and the day before, but at least I did something this time that actually benefitted my body,right?! In fact, I was so proud of myself that I took a postworkout selfie, which I'm sharing with all of you! You're welcome! Hahaha!

So I guess the point of all of this is, yes, you may hit one bump after another on your road to success. What really matters though is your mindset through the bumps and potholes. Are you going to give up because the path is long and the journey is difficult? Or are you going to focus on the finish line and the sense of accomplishment with each step? Stop dwelling on your past failures so you can move forward in success!

-Hope on-

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

What are You Listening to?

Do you ever feel like your dreams and your desires get put on the back burner? Maybe you're busy with your day to day job so you can get those bills paid, or maybe you're too tired to pursue one more thing after a long day of soccer practice with the kids, a quick workout at the gym, and grocery shopping with a crying infant. Or maybe you just feel your time has passed and you'll never reach that goal now, so what's the point in trying?

Whatever your reason, take a second to follow these steps with me.

1. Stop and jot down why that goal was ever a "goal"  in the first place. Go on, do it! How does it make you feel when you close your eyes and imagine that you've achieved that dream? You've achieved that ONE thing you've always wanted and that has been haunting you for months or even years!!! do you feel thinking that you haven't achieved it and you're not even working towards it anymore? You've just let it sit there and collect dust in the corners of your mind.

Got it? Still with me? Ok, now,

2. Take a few more minutes and write down all of the excuses as to why you never reached that goal and why you chose to abandon it. I know, abandon is a brutal word, but isn't that what you've done? Haven't we all done it at some point with one thing or another?

3. Take a look at that list. Do you see what I see? Every single lie that you chose to listen to. Every voice that you chose to hear and allowed to steal your dreams. See that word? ALLOWED. You allowed lies, fear, guilt, and negative comments to keep you from reaching your goals.

Looking at that list of excuses, would you ever tell your best friend those things if they are pressing towards a goal?! If you're any kind of friend, then, OF COURSE NOT!!! So why say those things to/about yourself? And most of all, why BELIEVE them?

-Hope On-

Monday, May 2, 2016

Perfectly Imperfect

If you know me at all, you know I'm not a perfectionist. An utter failure to the core when it comes to perfection. However, I do LOVE prizes, so if there was an award given for being least perfect, dude, I'D WIN!!! Every. Time. So, I guess that's something, right?!
In all honesty, perfecting myself is just something that's unattainable, so why waste my time and beat myself up for every mistake and every failure along life's journey?
Personal best, however-now that's something to achieve. Each step I take, I want to be sure it's taken in more confidence than the last. I want to know that I handled each trip and stumble along the way, with more grace than the time before. Weight is just one of the areas I've struggled with for years. I've seen the numbers on the scale go up and down.
Life is a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs and we should be learning and growing through each high and low. But, on the scale?! That's not the up and down I want to see...especially the ups!!!
Over the past 3 years, I've worked HARD to see the downs on the scale more than the ups, but the past 2 years have been the most difficult. I fell into bad habits once again, wallowed in self-pity and doubt, and let's face it, tried to drown my sorrows and frustrations in food...because food is FUN!!! 
For a moment, anyway...then I'm beating myself up bc I ate junk! Talk about a vicious cycle!
So, today I'm celebrating my individual best! Over those 3 years, I've had rough days, but I've had some awesome days as well. Those awesome days outweighed the rough and have paid off! I'm down 40 pounds to date, but I can't and won't stop there! I haven't achieved my personal best yet! I'm making this public bc I know it will motivate me to kick it in high gear and do MY best to get my weight under control. More importantly, I want to make a healthy, fit, and lasting lifestyle for myself! Whaaaat???
That's right! HEADS UP: You guys will probably see some Before and After selfies (umm...probably some without makeup), motivational posts, and healthy eats on my page. My hope is to inspire myself to make life changes, but also to be a life coach to others and encourage and motivate them through my journey. Stay tuned if you're into that!