Monday, May 2, 2016

Perfectly Imperfect

If you know me at all, you know I'm not a perfectionist. An utter failure to the core when it comes to perfection. However, I do LOVE prizes, so if there was an award given for being least perfect, dude, I'D WIN!!! Every. Time. So, I guess that's something, right?!
In all honesty, perfecting myself is just something that's unattainable, so why waste my time and beat myself up for every mistake and every failure along life's journey?
Personal best, however-now that's something to achieve. Each step I take, I want to be sure it's taken in more confidence than the last. I want to know that I handled each trip and stumble along the way, with more grace than the time before. Weight is just one of the areas I've struggled with for years. I've seen the numbers on the scale go up and down.
Life is a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs and we should be learning and growing through each high and low. But, on the scale?! That's not the up and down I want to see...especially the ups!!!
Over the past 3 years, I've worked HARD to see the downs on the scale more than the ups, but the past 2 years have been the most difficult. I fell into bad habits once again, wallowed in self-pity and doubt, and let's face it, tried to drown my sorrows and frustrations in food...because food is FUN!!! 
For a moment, anyway...then I'm beating myself up bc I ate junk! Talk about a vicious cycle!
So, today I'm celebrating my individual best! Over those 3 years, I've had rough days, but I've had some awesome days as well. Those awesome days outweighed the rough and have paid off! I'm down 40 pounds to date, but I can't and won't stop there! I haven't achieved my personal best yet! I'm making this public bc I know it will motivate me to kick it in high gear and do MY best to get my weight under control. More importantly, I want to make a healthy, fit, and lasting lifestyle for myself! Whaaaat???
That's right! HEADS UP: You guys will probably see some Before and After selfies (umm...probably some without makeup), motivational posts, and healthy eats on my page. My hope is to inspire myself to make life changes, but also to be a life coach to others and encourage and motivate them through my journey. Stay tuned if you're into that! 

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