Tuesday, May 10, 2016

No Motivation and Hangry!

Ok, guys, I'm not gonna lie. I've totally had a weekend of just wanting to eat junk and veg in front of the television. Can I get an, "Amen!"? Seriously though, I've not been motivated at all to workout or even to blog. I've just been exhausted lately. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know. Working out actually GIVES you energy and you'll feel so much better after! Well great. Thanks for that. 😑
Can I just have a pity party for a second??? Apparently not.

My friend pulled out me off the couch Saturday night and had me do an interval workout with her. I HATED every second of it! I was sweaty, hungry, and tired by the end. No, let me rephrase that...I was HANGRY by the end.

As I practically crawled through the front door and into the shower, all I could think was, "I feel worse than I did before I worked out! I'm NEVER listening to my friend again!" Ok, maybe my thoughts weren't that severe, but I definitely didn't enjoy the workout...until about 30 minutes after the workout was over. I felt so good about myself! Yes, I may have eaten junk that day...and the day before, but at least I did something this time that actually benefitted my body,right?! In fact, I was so proud of myself that I took a postworkout selfie, which I'm sharing with all of you! You're welcome! Hahaha!

So I guess the point of all of this is, yes, you may hit one bump after another on your road to success. What really matters though is your mindset through the bumps and potholes. Are you going to give up because the path is long and the journey is difficult? Or are you going to focus on the finish line and the sense of accomplishment with each step? Stop dwelling on your past failures so you can move forward in success!

-Hope on-

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